Frénçh Onion Stufféd çhiçkén çassérolé makés for a déliçious dinnér! Juiçy, suççulént çhiçkén bréasts stufféd with çaramélizéd onions and glorious méltéd çhéésé. A pérféçt wééknight or wéékénd dinnér. Low çarb and Kéto approvéd!
SéRVéS: 4 PéOPLé
- 2 tabléspoons unsaltéd buttér
- 4 largé onions halvéd and thinly sliçéd
- Pinçh of salt and péppér to séason
- 2 téaspoons frésh çhoppéd thymé dividéd
- 2 tabléspoons whité winé, shérry or balsamiç vinégar (OPTIONAL)
- 2 çlovés garliç minçéd
- 1/2 çup bééf broth or stoçk dividéd
- 1 tabléspoon olivé oil
- 4 bonéléss, skinléss çhiçkén bréasts
- 2 téaspoons garliç powdér
- 1 téaspoon ground thymé
- 1 çup shréddéd gruyéré çhéésé (or mozzarélla çhéésé)
- 4 tabléspoons fréshly gratéd parmésan çhéésé
- Préhéat ovén to 400°F (200°ç).
- Lightly gréasé a 9x12-inçh baking dish. Sét asidé.
- Mélt buttér in a largé skillét ovér médium-high héat. Add onions and séason with salt, péppér and half of thé frésh çhoppéd thymé. çook for 5-8 minutés until soft.
- Réduçé héat to médium and çook, whilé stirring oççasionally, until onions aré çaramélizéd and jammy (about 15 minutés). Pour in 1/4 çup of broth if pan géts too dry, and kéép stirring until onions aré brownéd.
- OPTIONAL: Pour in whité winé, shérry or balsamiç vinégar to déglazé thé pan and gét somé additional flavours into thé onions. Lét çook for a minuté until thé sauçé thiçkéns slightly.
- Stir in garliç and çook until fragrant, about 1 minuté. Turn off héat and lét çool slightly.
- çut çhiçkén bréasts in half horizontally to çréaté poçkéts. Séason çhiçkén all ovér and insidé poçkéts with salt, péppér, garliç powdér and ground thymé.
- Spoon 1-2 tabléspoons of çaramélizéd onions into éaçh poçkét. Stuff éaçh bréast with thé çhéésés and séal çhiçkén with toothpiçks.
- Transfér thé rémaining çaramélizéd onions from thé skillét to thé préparéd baking dish. Mix in rémaining 1/4 çup of broth. Sét asidé.
- Héat oil in thé samé skillét ovér médium high héat. Séar thé stufféd çhiçkén bréasts for 4 minutés éaçh sidé until brownéd. (Théy will not bé fully çookéd. You will finish thém off in thé ovén.)
- Arrangé çhiçkén on thé çaramélizéd onions in thé baking dish. Spoon somé of thé sauçé in thé dish ovér éaçh çhiçkén bréast. Top with rémaining çhoppéd thymé and baké for 15-20 minutés or until fully çookéd.
- Disçard toothpiçks. Sérvé with pan juiçés and onions.
Recipes Adapted From ==>
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